英语(外研版)四年级上学期 Unit 2 I’m going to do the hig(25 页)

英语(外研版)四年级上学期 Unit 2 I’m going to do the hig(25 页)


Module9 Unit2 I'm going to do the high jumpppt课件6

module9 Unit 2module9 Unit 2I’m going to do the High jump.I’m going to do the High jump.
Are you going to……?Are you going to……? 肯定回答 Yes, I’m going to…… 否定回答 No, I’m going to…… 肯定回答 Yes, I’m going to……否定回答 No, I’m going to……
Are you going to win?Are you going to win?win 胜利,获胜win 胜利,获胜
Can you read?Can you read?Run,run,run,Are you going to run? Swim,swim,swim,Are you going to swim? Jump,jump,jump,Are you going to jump? Win,win,win,Are you going to win?Run,run,run,Are you going to run?Swim,swim,swim,Are you going to swim?Jump,jump,jump,Are you going to jump?Win,win,win,Are you going to win?
What are you going to do for Sports Day?What are you going to do for Sports Day?I’m going to…… I’m going to……
high jumphigh jump跳高跳高long jumplong jump跳远跳远
do the high jumpdo the high jump
do the long jumpdo the long jump
run the 100 metresrun the 100 metres
run the 200 metresrun the 200 metres
What are Amy Sam and Lingling going to doing?What are Amy Sam and Lingling going to doing?Let’s watch! Let’s watch!
What is Sam going to do for Sports Day?What is Sam going to do for Sports Day?SamSam
What is Lingling going to do for Sports Day?What is Lingling going to do for Sports Day?LinglingLinglingsubject 学科,科目subject 学科,科目
After dialogues, answer these questions.After dialogues, answer these questions.Amy is going to ___________________.Amy is going to ___________________.Sam _________________________________.Sam _________________________________.Daming _________________________________.Daming _________________________________.Lingling_________________________________.Lingling_________________________________.do the high jumpdo the high jumpis going to do the long jumpis going to do the long jumpis going to run the 100 metresis going to run the 100 metresis going to run the 200 metresis going to run the 200 metres
What are you going to do for Sports Day? What are you going to do for Sports Day?
I’m going to play football.I’m going to play football.
I’m going to play basketball.I’m going to play basketball.
I’m going to swim.I’m going to swim.
I’m going to play tabletennis.I’m going to play tabletennis.
I’ m going to run the 100 metres.I’ m going to run the 100 metres.
Choose .Choose .1. —Goodbye, Daming! Good luck! — ! A. You’re welcome B. Thank you 2. We going to run the 100 metres. A. is B. are 3. I’m the . A. winner B. winer1. —Goodbye, Daming! Good luck! — ! A. You’re welcome B. Thank you 2. We going to run the 100 metres. A. is B. are3. I’m the . A. winner B. winer
Homework Homework Christmas is coming. What are you going to do for Christmas? Talk about your plans with “I’m going to…(圣诞节要来了,你打算做些什么来迎接这个节日?用I’m going to …这个句型和朋友谈论一下吧! Christmas is coming. What are you going to do for Christmas? Talk about your plans with “I’m going to…(圣诞节要来了,你打算做些什么来迎接这个节日?用I’m going to …这个句型和朋友谈论一下吧!

名称:Module9 Unit2 I’m going to do the high jumpppt课件6






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