四年级上人教版英语 My schoolbag(64 页)

四年级上人教版英语 My schoolbag(64 页)


My schoolbagPPT教学自制课件(四年级PEP英语上册)

My schoolbagMy schoolbagUnit TwoUnit TwoA Let’s learnA Let’s learn
I Love to Go to SchoolI Love to Go to SchoolI love to go to school, go to school ,go to school I have paper and pencils in my backpack I love to go to school, go to school ,go to school I have a toad big and fat in my backpack I love to go to school, go to school ,go to schoolI have paper and pencils in my backpackI love to go to school, go to school ,go to schoolI have a toad big and fat in my backpackEnjoy a songEnjoy a song
Think overThink over刚刚那首歌是什么意思? 去上学,我们要带什么呢?刚刚那首歌是什么意思?去上学,我们要带什么呢?
What’s in your schoolbag?What’s in your schoolbag???????
Listen and tick or crossListen and tick or crossWhat’s in Amy’s schoolbag?What’s in Amy’s schoolbag?A. An English book, a Chinese book , a maths book and two storybooks. A. An English book, a Chinese book ,a maths book and two storybooks. B. An English book, a Chinese book , a maths book and three storybook. B. An English book, a Chinese book ,a maths book and three storybook. C. An English book, a Chinese book , a maths book and four storybooks. C. An English book, a Chinese book ,a maths book and four storybooks.
maths bookmaths book
English bookEnglish book
Chinese bookChinese book
schoolbag 书包 maths book 数学书 English book 英语书 Chinese book 语文书 storybook 故事书 schoolbag 书包maths book 数学书English book 英语书Chinese book 语文书storybook 故事书

homeworkhomework回家听今天所学内容的录音。 今天所学的新单词每个抄两行, 即8个,中文意思也要写8遍。回家听今天所学内容的录音。今天所学的新单词每个抄两行, 即8个,中文意思也要写8遍。
Unit 2 My schoolbagUnit 2 My schoolbagA Let’s learnA Let’s learn
What’s this?What’s this?It’s a schoolbag.It’s a schoolbag.What’s in the schoolbag?What’s in the schoolbag?Let’s go and see!Let’s go and see!

What’s this?What’s this?It’s a book.It’s a book.It’s a Chinese book.It’s a Chinese book.

It’s a maths book.It’s a maths book.

It’s a storybook.It’s a storybook.
It’s an English book.It’s an English book.

Unit2Unit2A Let’s talkA Let’s talk
what colour is …?what colour is …?The wall is blue.The wall is blue.The teacher’s desk is brown.The teacher’s desk is brown.The computer is black.The computeris black.
what colour is…?what colour is…?The fan is purple.The fan is purple.The floor is greenThe floor is green
What’s in your schoolbag?What’s in your schoolbag???????

Listen and tick or crossListen and tick or cross1.Chen jie has a new schoolbag. ( ) 2.The schoolbag is white. ( ) 3.The panda is fat. ( )1.Chen jie has a new schoolbag. ( )2.The schoolbag is white. ( ) 3.The panda is fat. ( )

根据let’s play部分,用下列物品编对话。根据let’s play部分,用下列物品编对话。
homeworkhomework1.听录音,熟读对话并背诵。 2.抄写句子I have a new schoolbag. What’s in your schoolbag? An English book ,a maths book,three storybooks and… It’s a fat panda.每个句子抄两遍,并写上中文意思。1.听录音,熟读对话并背诵。2.抄写句子I have a new schoolbag. What’s in your schoolbag?An English book ,a maths book,three storybooks and… It’s a fat panda.每个句子抄两遍,并写上中文意思。
Goodbye!Goodbye!Thank youThank you
B Read and writeB Read and write
Sing a song Sing a song We have a new schoolbag What’s in your new schoolbag? Four keys and a toy. Notebooks and storybooks, and a yellow candy.We have a new schoolbagWhat’s in your new schoolbag?Four keys and a toy.Notebooks and storybooks, and a yellow candy.
What’s in your schoolbag?What’s in your schoolbag?

What’s in your desk?What’s in your desk?I have three____,an____,a ____, and a __________in my desk.I have three____,an____,a ____,and a __________in my desk.
What’s in your desk?What’s in your desk?I have three keys,an egg,a pencil,and a notebook in my desk.I have three keys,an egg,a pencil,and a notebook in my desk.

Make a reportMake a report
I have _______in my schoolbag. I have ___________in my desk. I have _______in my classroom.I have _______in my schoolbag.I have ___________in my desk.I have _______in my classroom.
Bingo游戏 Bingo游戏
Bingo游戏 Bingo游戏 toytoynotebooknotebookdeskdesk
Ⅰ.看图,补全对话 Ⅰ.看图,补全对话 What’s in your desk ? I _______ two _______, an ______ and a notebook ________my desk.What’s in your desk ?I _______ two _______, an ______ and a notebook ________my desk.
Ⅰ.看图,补全对话 Ⅰ.看图,补全对话 What’s in your desk ? I have two candy, an English book and a notebook in my desk.What’s in your desk ?I have two candy, an English book and a notebook in my desk.

名称:My schoolbagPPT教学自制课件(四年级PEP英语上册)






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