七年级(上)人教版英语 15 页 My name’s Gina

七年级(上)人教版英语 15 页 My name’s Gina


My name's Gina SectionB period3 PPT教学原创课件(七上英语)

Enjoy a songEnjoy a song,begin again.,begin again.,that’s the end!,that’s the end! zero zero zero zero one one one one two two two two three three three three four four four four five five five five six six six six seven seven seven seven eight eight eight eightnineninenineninetentententen
My name’s Gina.My name’s Gina.Unit OneUnit OneMy name’s Gina.My name’s Gina.Section B Period ThreeSection B Period Three
one one two two three three four four five five six six seven seven eight eightninenine00 zero zeroEnglish numbers: 0 1 2 3 4English numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9
nineninenineninethreethreethreethreefourfourfourfourfivefivefivefivesevensevensevenseventwotwotwotwozerozerozerozerooneoneoneoneeighteighteighteightA GameA Game
Say numbers together: 5558042 3986149 4900168 2787928 9293160 13086449651Say numbers together:5558042 3986149 49001682787928 9293160 13086449651telephone numberstelephone numbers= phone numbers= phone numbersphone = telephonephone = telephoneWhat’s your phone number? It’s…What’s your phone number?It’s…
What’s your name? My name is…./I’m….What’s your name? My name is…./I’m….Wu YonggangWu YonggangLiu YingLiu Ying4900168490016827869262786926/13330783169/13330783169Make a surveyMake a surveyWhat’s your phone number? It’s……..What’s your phone number? It’s……..
Listening practice:Listening practice:Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.1.Tom c a.929-31 6 0 2.Linda ____ b.398-61___ ___ 3.Bob ____ c.278-79 ___ ___ 4.Mary _____ d.555-80 ___ ___1.Tom c a.929-31 6 02.Linda ____ b.398-61___ ___3.Bob ____ c.278-79 ___ ___4.Mary _____ d.555-80 ___ ___ddbbaa4 94 92 82 84 24 2Well done!Well done!
Learn a songLearn a song,begin again.,begin again.,that’s the end!,that’s the end! zero zero zero zero one one one one two two two two three three three three four four four four five five five five six six six six seven seven seven seven eight eight eight eightnineninenineninetentententen
Look and writeLook and writeHandHandBrownBrownSmithSmithMillerMiller
ID cardID cardFIRST NAME: Jenny LAST NAME: Brown TELEPHONE NUMBER: 535-2375FIRST NAME:JennyLAST NAME:Brown TELEPHONE NUMBER:535-2375what’s her telephone number? What’s her family name? What’s her first name?what’s her telephone number?What’s her family name?What’s her first name? It’s 535-2375. Her family name is Brown. Her last name is Jenny.It’s 535-2375.Her family name is Brown.Her last name is Jenny.3b3b
FIRST NAME: _________________ LAST NAME: _________________ PHONE NUMBER: ______________________FIRST NAME:_________________LAST NAME:_________________PHONE NUMBER:______________________CathyCathyHuangHuang8963871389638713
Copy new words three times and write numbers from zero to nine from memory . (抄写新单词三遍,会默写zero到nine十个数字)。Copy new words three times and write numbers from zero to nine from memory . (抄写新单词三遍,会默写zero到nine十个数字)。2. Make a dialogue with “ What’s your telephone number? It’s ….” as long as you can. (用“ What’s your telephone number? It’s ….”运用所学的英语编尽可能长的对话。)2. Make a dialogue with “ What’s your telephone number? It’s ….” as long as you can. (用“ What’s your telephone number? It’s ….”运用所学的英语编尽可能长的对话。)HomeworkHomework3. Make an ID card for yourself. ( Whose card is the most beautiful?) 为自己制作精美的名片(比赛谁的卡片最精致)。3. Make an ID card for yourself. ( Whose card is the most beautiful?) 为自己制作精美的名片(比赛谁的卡片最精致)。
Thank you for attending !Thank you for attending ! Good-bye! Good-bye!

名称:My name’s Gina SectionB period3 PPT教学原创课件(七上英语)






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