英语(外研版)五年级上学期 Unit 1 Are you feeling bored(30 页)

英语(外研版)五年级上学期 Unit 1 Are you feeling bored(30 页)


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Module 9Module 9Unit 1 Are you feeling bored?Unit 1 Are you feeling bored?Bishan School LilyBishan School Lily
复习复习Lingling went to on Monday. They played . Lingling the girls . She had a day.Lingling went to on Monday.They played .Lingling the girls .She had a day.Sam and Amy’s schoolSam and Amy’s schoolin the playgroundin the playgroundskipped withskipped withhappyhappy
Listen and choose .Listen and choose .The dog is feeling at first(开始时). A. sad B. happy 2. The dog is feeling now. A. sad B. happyThe dog is feeling at first(开始时). A. sad B. happy2. The dog is feeling now. A. sad B. happy
sadsadhappyhappyAre you feeling sad now?Are you feeling sad now?Woof, woof…Woof, woof…Are you feeling happy now?Are you feeling happy now?Woof, woof!Woof, woof!感觉,觉得感觉,觉得
Listen and answer.Listen and answer.1. Is Lingling feeling bored? 2. Does Lingling miss her friend? 3. Is Lingling feeling sad? 1. Is Lingling feeling bored?2. Does Lingling miss her friend?3. Is Lingling feeling sad?No, she isn’t.No, she isn’t.No, she doesn’t.No, she doesn’t.Yes, she is.Yes, she is.
Listen and choose .Listen and choose .4. Lingling feels sad because . A. her grandma is ill in hospital B. she missed her friend 5.Lingling yesterday. A. called her mum B. missed her mum 6. told Lingling that. A. Ms smart B. Lingling’s mum4. Lingling feels sad because . A. her grandma is ill in hospital B. she missed her friend5.Lingling yesterday. A. called her mum B. missed her mum6. told Lingling that. A. Ms smart B. Lingling’s mum
Listen and choose .Listen and choose .7. Lingling is feeling now. A. sad B. happy 8. Lingling feels happy now because . A. her grandma is better now B. her mum called her 9. told Lingling that. A. Ms smart B. Lingling’s mum7. Lingling is feeling now. A. sad B. happy8. Lingling feels happy now because . A. her grandma is better now B. her mum called her 9. told Lingling that. A. Ms smart B. Lingling’s mum
生病了住院了, in hospital表示住院了生病了住院了,in hospital表示住院了(听到这个消息)我很抱歉(听到这个消息)我很抱歉call给…打电话call给…打电话tell告诉tell告诉
Read and answer.Read and answer.What was Lingling feeling at first? 2. Why does Lingling feel sad? 3. What does Ms Smart tell Lingling? What was Lingling feeling at first? 2. Why does Lingling feel sad?3. What does Ms Smart tell Lingling?She was feeling sad. She was feeling sad. Because her grandma is ill in hospital.Because her grandma is ill in hospital.She tells “Your grandma is better now”.She tells “Your grandma is better now”.
想想下面句子的意思.想想下面句子的意思.-Are you feeling angry? –Of course not. My grandma is ill in hospital. I called my mum yesterday. She told me that. Your grandma is better now.-Are you feeling angry? –Of course not.My grandma is ill in hospital.I called my mum yesterday. She told me that.Your grandma is better now.-你觉得生气吗? – 当然没有。-你觉得生气吗? – 当然没有。我奶奶生病住院了。我奶奶生病住院了。我昨天给妈妈打电话了,她告诉我的。我昨天给妈妈打电话了,她告诉我的。你的奶奶(现在)已经好了。你的奶奶(现在)已经好了。
Read and fill in the blanks: 1. What’s , Lingling ? . you bored? . No! not. .Lingling’s grandma . . Lingling’s mum this morning. . Linling’s grandma now. . Lingling is now.Read and fill in the blanks:1. What’s , Lingling ? . you bored?. No! not. .Lingling’s grandma .. Lingling’s mum this morning. . Linling’s grandma now.. Lingling is now.the matterthe matterAre feelingAre feeling Of course Of courseis ill in hospitalis ill in hospitalcalledcalledis betteris betterhappyhappy
火眼金睛火眼金睛sadsadcall my mumcall my mummiss my friendmiss my friendhappyhappyis illis illboredboredangryangryWhat’s the matterWhat’s the matterof course notof course notI’m so sorryI’m so sorry
Lingling isn’t feeling well , Amy asks her “ ”. Lingling doesn’t in China. She is feeling . Because she her mum yesterday, and knew(知道) her grandma . Lingling’s mum this morning. And Ms Smart Lingling “ Your grandma now. She this morning.” Lingling feels very now. Lingling isn’t feeling well , Amy asks her“ ”. Lingling doesn’t in China. She is feeling . Because she her mum yesterday, and knew(知道) her grandma .Lingling’s mum this morning. And Ms Smart Lingling “ Your grandma now. She this morning.” Lingling feels very now.Retell the story(复述课文)Retell the story(复述课文)sadsadWhat’s the matter?What’s the matter?miss her friendmiss her friendis betteris bettercalledcalledis ill in hospitalis ill in hospitalcalledcalledtoldtoldwent homewent homehappyhappy
Listen and read.Listen and read.
Find and say.Find and say.Is he/she feeling …?Is he/she feeling …?Yes,…/No, … .Yes,…/No, … .He/She is .He/She is .happyhappyangryangryboredboredsadsadFFTTTTFF
Are they feeling happy?Are they feeling happy?Yes, they are.Yes, they are.They are playing with friends, they’re feeling happy.They are playing with friends, they’re feeling happy.Is the boy feeling happy?Is the boy feeling happy?No, he isn’t.No, he isn’t.He can’t do homework, He can’t do homework, His father is angry, he’s feeling sad.His father is angry, he’s feeling sad.
Are they feeling bored?Are they feeling bored?Yes, they are.Yes, they are.Is the boy feeling bored?Is the boy feeling bored?No, he isn’t.No, he isn’t.He’s feeling sad.He’s feeling sad.
Is the mum feeling bored?Is the mum feeling bored?She is feeling angry.She is feeling angry.No, she isn’t.No, she isn’t.Are they feeling happy?Are they feeling happy?Yes, they are.Yes, they are.They get presents, they feel happy.They get presents, they feel happy.
SaySayI’m feeling … when I …I’m feeling … when I …
– ? – My grandpa is ill in hospital. A. What’s the matter with you? B. What’s the time now? C. What time do you go to school. 2. I mum yesterday. A. calling B. call C. called 3. Are you bored? A. feels B. feeling C. felt – ? – My grandpa is ill in hospital. A. What’s the matter with you? B. What’s the time now? C. What time do you go to school.2. I mum yesterday. A. calling B. call C. called 3. Are you bored? A. feels B. feeling C. felt选择。选择。
4. –How is your grandpa now? – . A. I’m very well. B. He’s better now. C. Of course not. 5. – My uncle is ill in hospital ! – . A. I’m happy now! B. I’m sorry. C. Are you feeling sad? 6. I didn’t homework, mum is now. A. finished; angry B. finish; happy C. finish ; angry 4. –How is your grandpa now? – . A. I’m very well. B. He’s better now. C. Of course not.5. – My uncle is ill in hospital ! – . A. I’m happy now! B. I’m sorry. C. Are you feeling sad? 6. I didn’t homework, mum is now. A. finished; angry B. finish; happy C. finish ; angry选择。选择。
补全对话。补全对话。______ Are you feeling bored? – . -Are you feeling sad? – ______ -I’m sorry. ______ Don’t worry (), maybe ()she’s better now. ______ ______ Are you feeling bored?- .-Are you feeling sad?- ______-I’m sorry.______ Don’t worry (), maybe ()she’s better now. ______ BBAAEECCThank you , Lily. B. What’ the matter, Lucy? C. Yes, I’m sad . My grandma is ill in hospital. D. Mum called me yesterday, and told me that. E. No, of course not.Thank you , Lily. B. What’ the matter, Lucy?C. Yes, I’m sad . My grandma is ill in hospital.D. Mum called me yesterday, and told me that.E. No, of course not.DD
Are you feeling angry?Are you feeling angry?My grandma is ill in hospital.My grandma is ill in hospital.连词成句。连词成句。feeling, Are , angry, you?feeling, Are , angry, you?in, grandma, is, hospital, My, ill. in, grandma, is, hospital, My, ill.
You grandma is better now.You grandma is better now.I , happy, am, now! Fantastic!I , happy, am, now! Fantastic!Fantastic! I am happy now!Fantastic! I am happy now!连词成句。连词成句。better, is, Your , now, grandma.better, is, Your , now, grandma.
ReadReadwoofwoofboredboredmissmissfeelfeelsadsadangryangryillilltold telltold tellbetterbetter
ReadReadAre you feeling angry?Are you feeling angry?My grandma is ill in hospital.My grandma is ill in hospital.You grandma is better now.You grandma is better now.Fantastic! I am happy now!Fantastic! I am happy now!

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