英语(外研版)五年级下 Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts(17 页)

英语(外研版)五年级下 Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts(17 页)


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Module 9Module 9Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you.Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you.
questions 问题questions问题ask some 询问ask some 询问
What did he do yesterday ?What did he do yesterday ?
He played table tennis yesterday .He played table tennis yesterday .
What is he doing now ?What is he doing now ?
He is playing football now .He is playing football now .
What is he going to do tomorrow?What is he going to do tomorrow?
He is going to play basketball .He is going to play basketball .

Listen and underline the sentences with “going to”. 听录音,划出含有“going to”的句子。Listen and underline the sentences with “going to”.听录音,划出含有“going to”的句子。1. We are going to see you in three weeks.1. We are going to see you in three weeks.2. Dad’s going to put another bed in my room.2. Dad’s going to put another bed in my room.3. He is going to ask you some questions.3. He is going to ask you some questions.
Watch the CD and answer the questions:Watch the CD and answer the questions:When are they going to see(见) Daming? What is dad going to put(放)in Simon’s room? What is dad going to do? When are they going to see(见) Daming?What is dad going to put(放)in Simon’s room?What is dad going to do?In three weeks.In three weeks.Another bed.Another bed.He is going to ask Daming some questions.He is going to ask Daming some questions.
Read and answer the questions:Read and answer the questions:What did Mum bought for Daming? A: new shoes B: old T-shirts C: new T-shirts 2.What kind of (什么样的) book did Dad read ? A: about American history. B: about English history. C: about Chinese history. 3.What did we borrow(借) for Daming? A: a kite B: a bike B: a book What did Mum bought for Daming? A: new shoes B: old T-shirts C: new T-shirts2.What kind of (什么样的) book did Dad read ?A: about American history.B: about English history.C: about Chinese history.3.What did we borrow(借) for Daming?A: a kite B: a bike B: a book
buy sth for sb = buy sb sthbuy sth for sb = buy sb sth物物人人 人 物 人 物 Mum bought new T-shirts for you =Mum bought you new T-shirts. Mum bought new T-shirts for you=Mum bought you new T-shirts.买东西给某人买东西给某人
She listened to music yesterday.She listened to music yesterday.She is doing her homework now.She is doing her homework now.She is going to read a book tomorrow.She is going to read a book tomorrow.1.What did she do yesterday? 2.What is she doing now? 3.What is she going to do tomorrow?1.What did she do yesterday?2.What is she doing now?3.What is she going to do tomorrow?
过去时:用动词的过去式描述已经发生的事情。 通常出现以下一些单词表示要用过去时. yesterday, last night, last week, last year, many years ago等等. 现在时:用be(am,is, are)+动词ing 表示正在做什么。 通常句子中会出现 now 将来时:用 be(am, is ,are) +going to +动词原形 表示将要做什么。通常句子中会出现 tomorrow 过去时:用动词的过去式描述已经发生的事情。 通常出现以下一些单词表示要用过去时. yesterday, last night, last week, last year, many years ago等等.现在时:用be(am,is, are)+动词ing 表示正在做什么。通常句子中会出现 now将来时:用 be(am, is ,are) +going to +动词原形 表示将要做什么。通常句子中会出现 tomorrow
Game(游戏)Game(游戏)由老师出示一张动词卡片。分别由三位学生用他们的过去时,现在时和将来时造句。例:老师出示 go to school A: I went to school yesterday(过去时). B: I am going to school now(现在时). C: I am going to go to school tomorrow(将来时). 由老师出示一张动词卡片。分别由三位学生用他们的过去时,现在时和将来时造句。例:老师出示go to schoolA: I went to school yesterday(过去时).B: I am going to school now(现在时).C: I am going to go to school tomorrow(将来时). Let’s say!Let’s say!
Homework.Homework.抄写并听写以下单词 wear-wore tell-told read-read 2.预习M10U1 抄写并听写以下单词 wear-wore tell-told read-read2.预习M10U1

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