I’m going to study computer science优质课ppt课件下载

I’m going to study computer science优质课ppt课件下载


I'm going to study computer science优质课ppt课件下载

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.


1. 学习 be going to 结构用法

2. 学习有关职业的名词

3. 学会用 be going to 结构表达自己未来的计划

be going to 的用法:

“be going to + 动词原形”表示将来的打算、计划或安排。常与表示将来的 tomorrow, next year 等时间状语或 when 引导的时间状语从句连用。

肯定句构成:主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他.

否定句构成:在 be 后加 not.

一般疑问句构成:把 be 提前.


1. 我打算明天去看 Tom.

2. 他计划下周去踢足球。

3. 他们打算当他们有空的时候开个聚会。

be going to 的特殊用法:

1. 如果表示计划去某地,可直接用 be going to + 地点。

2. 表示位置移动的动词,如 go, come, leave 等常用进行时表示将来。

3. there be 句型的将来时,用下面结构:There is / are going to be + 主语 + 其他。否定句在 is 或 are 后加 not,一般疑问句把 is 或 are 提前。


What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a / an… cook, doctor, engineer, pilot, driver, computer programmer, scientist, pianist, violinist.

Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them [1-12] (1 is most interesting, 12 is least interesting).

1a. ____ computer programmer ____ cook ____ basketball player ____ doctor ____ engineer ____ teacher ____ violinist ____ bus driver ____ pilot ____ pianist ____ scientist ____ actor

1b. 1. computer programmer 2. basketball player 3. engineer 4. actor

可与 have 互换

Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make conversations about the other jobs in 1a.

1c. A: What do you want to be when you grow up?

B: I want to be a basketball player.

A: How are you going to do that?

B: I’m going to practice basketball every day.

Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check (√) the correct boxes in the picture.

2a. √ √ √ √

Listen again. What are Cheng Han’s plans for the future? Complete the chart.

2b. Cheng Han wants to be a teacher.

He’s going to move to Shanghai.

He’s going to learn how to teach children.

He’s going to finish high school and college first.

Ask and answer questions about Cheng Han’s plans.

2c. A: What does Cheng Han want to be?

B: He wants to be a teacher.

A: Where is he going to work?

B: He is going to work in Shanghai.

A: How is he going to do that?

B: He is going to learn how to teach children.

A: When is he going to start?

B: He is going to start when he finishes high school and college.

Grammar Focus

Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do.

3a. 1. My friend wants to be an engineer. 2. My brother wants to be an actor. 3. I want to be a scientist. 4. My sister wants to be a school teacher. 5. Those boys want to be soccer players. 6. My friend and I want to be singers. 7. My cousin wants to be a cook. 8. I want to be a race car driver.

Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do.

3a. e e h h f f d d a a c c g g b b

Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation.

3b. A: Kelly, what do you want to be when you grow up?

B: I want to be a doctor.

A: Wow! How are you going to do that?

B: I’m going to study medicine at a university.

A: Hmm…sounds difficult. Where are you going to study?

B: I’m going to study in London.

A: When are you going to start?

B: I’m going to start next September.

Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner.

3c. A: What do you want to be when you grow up?

B: I want to be a reporter.

A: How are you going to do that?

B: I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.

New Year’s Resolutions

Next year, I’m going to:

1. learn to play the piano

2. make the soccer team

3. get good grades

4. eat healthier food

5. get lots of exercise

Match the pictures with the New Year’s resolutions. Number the pictures [1-5].

1a. 5 4 2 1 3

What are you going to do next year? Tell your partner.


New Year’s Resolutions

Next year, I’m going to:

1. learn to play the piano

2. make the soccer team

3. get good grades

4. eat healthier food

5. get lots of exercise

Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a.


Listen again and fill in the chart.

1d. She’s going to study hard and do her homework every day.

She’s going to take piano lessons.

He’s going to practice really hard, and this summer he’s going to go to a summer camp.

Make a list of other resolutions and how you are going to make them work. Then discuss them with your group.


Discuss the questions with your partner.

2a. 1. Did you make any resolutions last year?

2. Were you able to keep them? Why or why not?

Read the passage and match each paragraph [1-3] with its main purpose in the box. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.

2b. 1. To give the meaning of resolution

2. To discuss the different kinds of resolutions

3. To question the idea of making resolutions

Which paragraph in the passage do you think each sentence goes in? Write the letters [A-D] in the correct places in the passage.

2c. 1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

Read the passage and match each paragraph [1-3] with its main purpose in the box. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.

2b. 对下决心的观点表示疑问




Answer the questions with short sentences.

2d. 1. It’s a kind of promise.

2. At the beginning of the year.

3. They want to improve their lives.

4. They write down them or tell their family and friends.

5. Three.

6. Because people just forget about them.

7. Because it’s easy to say but it’s difficult to do.

Yes, I do.

Find these phrases in the passage. Then write your own sentences with them.

2e. have to do with 与…有关

make promises 许诺

have…in common 有共同之处

write down 写下

take up 开始从事

for this reason 因为这个原因

He has to do with this matter.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

They have something in common.

Please write down the words on the board.

When did you take up football?

For this reason, it’s necessary to learn English well.

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

3a. are, help, make, take, is, learn, listen

1. Ideas for improving my physical health:

get more exercise, eat more vegetables

2. Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends:

help mom cook meals, play games with friends

3. Ideas for doing better at school:

make a weekly plan for schoolwork, work hard at English, try a new sport

Write your resolutions under the following headings.


The second resolution is about improving my physical health.

I’m going to get more exercise and eat more vegetables. I’m going to try a new sport such as ping-pong and play it two or three times a week. Playing more sports will help me to become healthier and I’ll not fall ill so often.

The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends.

I’m going to spend more time with my family. I’m going to help mom cook meals, that will make my family happy. I’m going to play games with my friends and help them more. Because I care about them and they are important to me.

The last resolution is about how to do better at school.

I’m going to make a weekly plan for schoolwork. I’m going to work hard at English. I’m going to read more books in English. That is going to help me learn more English words. I am going to keep this resolution because reading is fun.

Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener.

4. We’re going to build more buildings.

We’re going to protect the animals.

We’re going to plant more trees.

We’re going to use fewer plastic bags.

1. Match the jobs with the school subjects.

Self Check

want, to be, How, going, going, Where, going, going, to be, going

2. Fill in the blanks in the conversation.

3. Write about your plans.

Tomorrow, I’m going to play soccer.

Next week, I am going to travel to Dalian.

Next month, I am going to visit my friend.

Next year, I am going to learn how to drive.

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