英语(外研版)五年级上 Unit 1 Are you feeling bored(26 页)

英语(外研版)五年级上 Unit 1 Are you feeling bored(26 页)


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Unit 1 Are you feeling bored?Unit 1 Are you feeling bored?
happyhappy angryangryLet’s guessLet’s guess
Let’s check!Let’s check!(考查一下你的课堂听讲吧!)(考查一下你的课堂听讲吧!)You can say as quickly as you can! (以你最快的速度说!)You can say as quickly as you can! (以你最快的速度说!)
happyhappysadsadboredboredangryangryfeelings feelings
feelfeelangryangrynothingnothingsecretsecrettelltellsurprisesurpriseAre you ready?Are you ready?
Exercise:Exercise:规则:看图片,根据图片用Are you feeling…?造句,老师提问。 规则:看图片,根据图片用Are you feeling…?造句,老师提问。
Are you feeling ?Are you feeling ?Yes ,I am.Yes ,I am.happyhappy
Are you feeling sad ?Are you feeling sad ?Yes, I am.Yes, I am.
Are you feeling bored ?Are you feeling bored ?Yes, I am.Yes, I am.
Are you feeling angry ?Are you feeling angry ?Yes, I am.Yes, I am.
游戏规则:学生上来从纸盒中抽取其中的一张带有表情的纸条,然后进行表演,让其他学生猜,并且用”Are you feeling ……?来进行提问。 游戏规则:学生上来从纸盒中抽取其中的一张带有表情的纸条,然后进行表演,让其他学生猜,并且用”Are you feeling ……?来进行提问。Let’s play a gameLet’s play a game
Listen and repeat.(听录音跟读,) Listen and repeat.(听录音跟读,)
I can read. I can read.
Role play(分角色朗读课文)Role play(分角色朗读课文)
Group work: Read the text by yourselves and then answer the questions(自读课文,合作学习,回答下列问题.)Group work:Read the text by yourselves and then answer the questions(自读课文,合作学习,回答下列问题.)
1.Is Lingling feeling sad? 1.Is Lingling feeling sad?2.Is Lingling feeling bored?2.Is Lingling feeling bored?3.Is Lingling feeling angry?3.Is Lingling feeling angry?4.What’s the matter? 4.What’s the matter?Yes, she is.Yes, she is.No, she isn’t.No, she isn’t.No, she isn’t.No, she isn’t.Her grandma is ill in hospital.Her grandma is ill in hospital.
Is he feeling happy?Is he feeling happy? Can you answer?(能回答吗?) Can you answer?(能回答吗?)Yes, he is.Yes, he is.No, she isn’t.No, she isn’t.
Is he feeling bored?Is he feeling bored?No, he isn’t. No, he isn’t.No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t.
Are you feeling ?Are you feeling ?Guessing game:What am I feeling?Guessing game:What am I feeling?
Is she/he feeling Is she/he feelinghappyhappysadsadangryangryboredbored ? ?
A: Is she feeling ? B: Yes, she is. A: Is he feeling sad? B: He’sA: Is she feeling ? B: Yes, she is. A: Is he feeling sad? B: He’sLook and write.Look and write.sadsadNo, he isn’t.No, he isn’t.feeling bored.feeling bored.
3. A:Is she feeling bored? B: She’s 4. A:Is she feeling ? B: Yes, she is.3. A:Is she feeling bored? B: She’s 4. A:Is she feeling ? B: Yes, she is.No, she isn’t.No, she isn’t.feeling angry.feeling angry.happy happy
Choose and write:Choose and write:1,I’m feeling ______now, I’m laughing(笑). 2,Ms smart is feeling _____,because Sam and Amy are arguing. 3,I’m feeling ______now, I lost my dog. 4,I want to go out to play, but it’s raining, so I feel______. 5,I feel ______,I want to eat something.1,I’m feeling ______now, I’m laughing(笑).2,Ms smart is feeling _____,because Sam and Amy are arguing.3,I’m feeling ______now, I lost my dog.4,I want to go out to play, but it’s raining, so I feel______.5,I feel ______,I want to eat something.happyhappysadsadhungryhungryangryangryboredbored
HomeworkHomework1.Read the text. 2.Ask your parents how they feel and try to help them as possible as you can. (询问你父母的感受,并尽可能地帮助他们)1.Read the text.2.Ask your parents how they feel and try to help them as possible as you can. (询问你父母的感受,并尽可能地帮助他们)
Thank you!Thank you!

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