英语(外研版)五年级上学期 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam(10 页)

英语(外研版)五年级上学期 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam(10 页)


Module8 Unit2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school课件9

Module 8 Unit 2Module 8 Unit 2Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school.Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school.
Let’s singLet’s singI get up in the morning. I get ready for school. I love morning exercises. They are cool, cool, cool. I learn, I talk, I play. I love going to school. I always enjoy my day, because it’s cool, cool, cool.I get up in the morning.I get ready for school.I love morning exercises.They are cool, cool, cool.I learn, I talk, I play.I love going to school. I always enjoy my day,because it’s cool, cool, cool.
Listen and answerListen and answer1 Where did Lingling go yesterday? 2 What time do they start school in England? 3 What do they do in the playground? 4 What did Lingling do with the girls? 1 Where did Lingling go yesterday?2 What time do they start school in England?3 What do they do in the playground?4 What did Lingling do with the girls?
Write England or ChinaWrite England or China 1)School starts at 9 o’clock._____ 2)The children do morning exercises._____ 3)The children play in the playground._____1)School starts at 9 o’clock._____2)The children do morning exercises._____3)The children play in the playground._____ 我最棒我最棒EnglandEnglandChinaChinaEnglandEngland
自学向导 自学向导小组讨论英国的学校和我们中国学校的不同 找出本课各种词类转换 找出重点句和短语 本课涉及到哪两种时态? 找出疑难问题并尝试解决小组讨论英国的学校和我们中国学校的不同找出本课各种词类转换找出重点句和短语本课涉及到哪两种时态?找出疑难问题并尝试解决
Summary Summary一般现在时: 一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 时间状语: always, usually, sometimes, every day … e.g I go to school every day . 一般过去时: (1)过去某个特定时间发生或完成的动作。 (2)过去习惯性的动作。 时间状语,如:yesterday, last week, last year… e.g Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school . 一般现在时: 一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 时间状语: always, usually, sometimes, every day … e.g I go to school every day .一般过去时: (1)过去某个特定时间发生或完成的动作。 (2)过去习惯性的动作。 时间状语,如:yesterday, last week, last year… e.g Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school .
In China, we… In England, they… In China, we… In England, they…
试试看!你能行! 试试看!你能行!一 词类转换: 1 、go(过去式) 2、start(对应词) 3、 here(对应词)4、skip(过去式)5、ring(过去式) 二、连词成句: 1、 start school , they , at 8 o’clock , don’t , in England 2 they ,in the , play ,all, playground 3 at 9 o’clock , bell ,the , rang 4 I , with ,skipped ,the girls一 词类转换:1 、go(过去式) 2、start(对应词) 3、 here(对应词)4、skip(过去式)5、ring(过去式)二、连词成句:1、 start school , they , at 8 o’clock , don’t , in England 2 they ,in the , play ,all, playground3 at 9 o’clock , bell ,the , rang 4 I , with ,skipped ,the girls
Dear Sam, Yesterday, I ___ to Lingling’s school. In China they don’t start school at __o’clock. They start at __ o’clock. They don’t play in the _________,they do _______ ________ here. The bell ___ at 8 o’clock. Then we went into the _______. Love from, Amy Dear Sam,Yesterday, I ___ to Lingling’s school.In China they don’t start school at __o’clock. They start at __ o’clock.They don’t play in the _________,they do _______ ________ here.The bell ___ at 8 o’clock. Then we went into the _______.Love from,Amy Try your best!Try your best!wentwent9988playgroundplaygroundmorningmorningexercisesexercisesrangrangclassroomclassroom
homeworkhomework1listen and read the letter twice 2 给Sam和Amy 写一封信,介绍我们中国的学校1listen and read the letter twice2 给Sam和Amy 写一封信,介绍我们中国的学校

名称:Module8 Unit2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school课件9






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