英语(外研版)四年级上学期 Unit 2 I’m going to do the hig(27 页)

英语(外研版)四年级上学期 Unit 2 I’m going to do the hig(27 页)


Module9 Unit2 I'm going to do the high jumpppt课件4

Module 9 Sports DayModule 9 Sports DayUnit 2 I’m going to do the high jump. Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.
We’re going to have a sports day next year.(明年)We’re going to have a sports day next year.(明年)插一张本校的运动会图片插一张本校的运动会图片
sport iterms 运动项目 sport iterms运动项目 high jump high jump long jump long jump run run play table tennisplay table tennisplay basketballplay basketballplay footballplay footballswimswimskip skip ride a bikeride a bike
No. Yes. I am going to…on sports day.No.Yes. I am going to…on sports day.
活动1 活动1
What sport iterms can you see? 你能看到哪些体育项目?What sport iterms can you see? 你能看到哪些体育项目?
do the long jumpdo the long jumpdo the high jumpdo the high jumprun the 200 metres run the 200 metres run the 400 metres run the 400 metres

Listen and answer:Listen and answer: Q1: What is Amy going to do for Sports Day? Q1: What is Amy going to do for Sports Day?do the long jumpdo the long jumpdo the high jumpdo the high jump
Q1: What is Amy going to do for Sports Day?Q1: What is Amy going to do for Sports Day?
Listen and answer:Listen and answer: Q1: What is Amy going to do for Sports Day? Q1: What is Amy going to do for Sports Day? do the long jumpdo the long jumpdo the high jumpdo the high jumpAmy is going to Amy is going to

Q2: What is Sam going to do for Sports Day?Q2: What is Sam going to do for Sports Day?

Q3: What is Lingling going to do for Sports Day?Q3: What is Lingling going to do for Sports Day?
do the long jumpdo the long jumpdo the high jumpdo the high jumprun the 200 metres run the 200 metres run the 400 metres run the 400 metres
Listen &RepeatListen &Repeat
音乐一开始,同学们依次传布娃娃,音乐一停,所有同学问 What are you going to do on sports day? 拿到布娃娃的同学抽卡片并回答 I’m going to…… 音乐一开始,同学们依次传布娃娃,音乐一停,所有同学问What are you going to do on sports day?拿到布娃娃的同学抽卡片并回答I’m going to…… Activity1:play a game 击鼓传花Activity1:play a game击鼓传花
Activity2:Make a surveyActivity2:Make a surveyWhat are you going to do for next Sports Day?(下一届运动会) What are you going to do for next Sports Day?(下一届运动会) S1: What are you going to do on sports day? S2: I am going to ….. S1: What are you going to do on sports day? S2: I am going to …..
Sports can make us strong and healthy. 运动能让我们变得强壮和健康。Sports can make us strong and healthy.运动能让我们变得强壮和健康。
Homework Homework New Year is coming. What are you going to do for New Year? Talk about your plans with “I’m going to… (新年要来了,你打算做些什么来迎接这个节日?用I’m going to …这个句型和朋友谈论一下吧!) New Year is coming. What are you going to do for New Year? Talk about your plans with “I’m going to…(新年要来了,你打算做些什么来迎接这个节日?用I’m going to …这个句型和朋友谈论一下吧!)
Goodbye !Goodbye !
do the high jumpdo the high jump
do the long jumpdo the long jump
Listen and answer:Listen and answer: Q2: What is Sam going to do for Sports Day? Q2: What is Sam going to do for Sports Day?
Listen and answer:Listen and answer: Q3: What is Lingling going to do for Sports Day? Q3: What is Lingling going to do for Sports Day?
What are you going to do for next Sports Day?(下一届运动会) What are you going to do for next Sports Day?(下一届运动会)Activity2:Make a surveyActivity2:Make a survey S1: What are you going to do on sports day? S2: I am going to ….. S1: What are you going to do on sports day? S2: I am going to …..

名称:Module9 Unit2 I’m going to do the high jumpppt课件4






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