五年级下英语外研版 Unit 1 Where are you going(24 页)

五年级下英语外研版 Unit 1 Where are you going(24 页)


精品Module10 Unit1 Where are you goingppt课件

Where are you going to go? Module 10 Unit 1

Let’s chant:

Step 1. 热身活动

Where, where, where? Where are you going to go? What, what, what? What are you going to take? When, when, when? When are you going to go? Who, who, who? Who’s going to go with you?

Teaching objectives:

Knowledge objectives:

1. To listen, speak, read, and correctly use the words: list, airport, shoe, ticket, toothbrush.

2. To use the simple future tense to describe events that will happen.

Attitudinal objectives:

1. To foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance among students, and to maintain their enthusiasm for learning English.

Learning strategy objectives:

1. To cultivate students’ active cooperation with others and their willingness to use English for communication, thereby developing their language skills.


1. Identify the words in the learning objectives.

2. Find sentences in the simple future tense and questions starting with where, what, when, and who.

3. Identify any words or sentences you cannot read and have a deskmate or group leader help you with them.

Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai.

Step 2. Teacher demonstration

Hainan, airport, 7:00.

When are you going to go? 7:30, 8:00, 9:30, at 6:00, 7:00, 10:00.

Who’s going to go with you? My father, mother, friend, brother, sister.

What are you going to take? list, clothes, shoes, present, ticket, passport, toothbrush.

Step 3. Classroom activities:

1) Where is Daming going to go? 2) What is Daming going to take? 3) When is Daming going to go to the airport? 4) Who’s going to go to the airport?

Answer the questions based on the text:

1) To the airport. 2) Clothes, shoes, present, ticket, passport, toothbrush. 3) At seven o’clock tomorrow morning. 4) Daming.

Where are you going this weekend? I’m going to go to ________. When are you going? I’m going at ________. What are you going to take? I’m going to take ________. Who’s going with you? ________ is going with me.

Step 4. Consolidation exercises:

Group work: Discuss your weekend travel plans.

Step 5. Feedback and presentation:

Talk about your trip preparations with your friend.

Step 6. Review and summary:

Discuss the four main sentence patterns for travel preparations.

Step 7. Homework:

Thank you!

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