英语(外研版)五年级下 Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers(13 页)

英语(外研版)五年级下 Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers(13 页)


研版英语教研课Sam ate four hamburgersppt课件

Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers.

1. Through the comparison of two different time words (yesterday, tonight), students should learn to choose the appropriate tense according to different times,

2. At the same time, attention should be paid to the appropriate form changes of verbs.

eat – ate, give – gave, have – had

What did you eat/have yesterday? I ate/had…

sandwich – sandwiches, hamburger – hamburgers, fish and chips – fish and chips, meat – meat, rice – rice, dumpling – dumplings, sausage – sausages

What did Sam have at school, hamburgers or sandwiches? Listen and find the answer. He had hamburgers at school.

Listen and choose:

1. Who likes hamburgers very much? A) Lingling B) Daming C) Sam

2. Lingling had what at school? A) hamburgers B) a sandwich C) sandwiches

3. Mum is going to cook what food for us? A) Chinese B) English C) Japanese

Listen and answer (you can talk about them in groups):

1. Who ate four hamburgers at school today? Sam ate four hamburgers at school today.

2. Who had a sandwich? Lingling had a sandwich.

3. Does Amy miss Chinese food? Yes, she does.

4. What is Ms. Smart going to cook tonight? She is going to cook Chinese food tonight.

5. Who wrote this letter to Daming? Amy wrote this letter to Daming.

Dear Daming, Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school. He likes hamburgers very much. Lingling had a sandwich because she doesn’t like hamburgers. She gave her hamburgers to Sam. I miss Chinese food. Tonight mum is going to cook Chinese food for us. Love, Amy

Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school. He likes hamburgers very much. Lingling had a sandwich because she doesn’t like hamburgers. She gave her hamburgers to Sam. I miss Chinese food. Tonight mum is going to cook Chinese food for us.

Test yourself! Who learned the best! Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school. He likes hamburgers very much. Lingling had a sandwich because she doesn’t like hamburgers. We gave our hamburgers to Sam. But Amy misses Chinese food. Tonight Amy’s Mum is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling and Amy.

All images are from the internet. Copyright belongs to the original authors.


What did you do last night? (eat/ate) I ate meat for lunch yesterday. (eat/ate) What did he do last night? (drink/drank) He likes hamburgers very much. (like/likes) Mum is going to cook tonight. (cook/cooks) I have got an email from Lingling. (an/a) He got an apple. (has/have) I drank milk last night. (drink/drank)

Read the text at least three times and memorize it, please have your parent sign it. 2. Organize the composition on page 19, activity 7.

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